Monday, November 3, 2014

Science and Religion

       The degree I am getting is a science degree, more specifically an engineering degree.  In my pursuit of this degree I have had the opportunity to meet many different kinds of people. I have met people of all different kinds of faiths, and some people who have no faith. Ever since science and religion were conceived there has been a debate about who was right. There are many things in science that can confirm a few religious beliefs, as well there is some scientific "evidence" that disproves it.
      I have noticed that most of the time it is because Religion does not have all the answers. I don't claim to have all of the answers, however I don't need them.  All I need to know is why I am here, where I am going, and where I came from.  I know that I am a son of god and that I am here to take part in The Plan of Salvation.  I know that this world was created by the hands of Jesus Christ, and that he has been appointed as our saviour. I know that it is only through him that I can return to live with my father in heaven. When I look out into the stars and see pictures taken in the expance of our universe I can see the hand god in it.  Science doesn't disprove religion for me, rather it confirms it.
    This is my testimony, In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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